I recently installed Spelunky on my Mac due to the release of Spelunky XBLA and have been playing on and off when I've had a few minutes. I've just now reached my first 100 deaths.
A roguelike developer's diary.
I recently installed Spelunky on my Mac due to the release of Spelunky XBLA and have been playing on and off when I've had a few minutes. I've just now reached my first 100 deaths.
Posted by
Andrew Doull
OT, but you might be interested in a Gamasutra article on procedural generation of platformers, "How to Make Insane, Procedural Platformer Levels by Jordan Fisher" http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/170049/how_to_make_insane_procedural_.php
I've read it previously. It's unfortunately a little light on the technical details.
And Cloudberry Kingdom is a very 'pure Mario' style platformer although much more of a technical accomplishment than an actual game. It is however a very impressive technical accomplishment...
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