Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Things that should go together

Tea and milk. Peanut butter and honey. Oryx and brogue...


Soyweiser said...

Could you ask him if he could pick a licensing and add his tiles to this page? http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title=Finding_graphical_tiles ? That would be great for any other RL devs that want to scavenge tiles.

Todd said...

I love the tiles themselves but I have to be a curmudgeon about my roguelikes. ;)

I can't imagine a roguelike looking more beautiful than brogue as-is!

Paul Jeffries said...

Oryx's tiles are always great, but I think Brogue actually looks better in the original ASCI-OH GOD NO I'VE GONE NATIVE!

Darren Grey said...

Whatever one's opinions on the original ASCII (I always thought it looked horrible and messy myself) having tiles will make the game *much* more approachable to the general public.

Joseph said...

Oh I thought he was putting in his 8x8 graphics, now I see he's going the Infra Arcana style. Very interesting indeed.

I was actually messing about with some ideas for Brogue tiles, using my brand new drawing tablet. Now I see that Oryx is going for it so I'll just sit back and watch the pro.


Barrett said...

Now with animation

Barrett said...

Now with animation