Monday, 28 July 2008

Broken again

In my continuing quest to comment on the process for trying to get a SVN-based C compilation process up and running on Windows, I see that the Eclipse install process I wrote is horribly broken again.

What is with open source projects arbitrarily changing the user interface required to get them installed and working. Do developers not actually want people using their tools?

This time around, having followed the latest installer documentation as best I can, I'm getting the useful message: Unable to load default SVN client, which given I've just downloaded and installed Subclipse should include an SVN client.


  1. Now, I don't really know anything about Unangband (it's on my to-play list, honest!), much less about compiling it, but should Eclipse really be necessary to compile it?

  2. That's wierd. I followed the setup only a couple of weeks ago and it more or less worked. I also followed the subclipse howto once I realised there was a new interface. (I was going to mention this on the setup page, but it seemed a pretty trivial change that most people would be able to pick up. Can't expect 100% up-to-date stuff)

  3. It's worthwhile pointing out that this was bitching about something I tried to do while I had a spare 20 minutes waiting for a taxi to get to the airport. I'm sure the fix is straightforward. Or is it Vista?

  4. Ryan: Eclipse is my dev environment of choice. I don't need to compile Unangband - I need to be able to write code and check it into SVN.

  5. The Subclipse install process did change slightly with the 1.4.x releases. Subclipse needs a Subversion API (or client adapter) to execute Subversion actions. There are two possible choices JavaHL and SVNKit. We used to bundle them both, but now they can be installed separately (and individually). They are both on the update site. It sounds like you did not select one. If you are on Windows, definitely use JavaHL, If possible use it on other OS too. JavaHL uses the same native Subversion code as the command line and TortoiseSVN. But on OS other than Windows, that means you need to have those libraries installed. SVNKit is pure Java, but it is always a little behind the main SVN code since it is a reverse engineered implementation.

  6. Thanks Mark, much appreciated for the feedback.

    Can I ask for feature requests here as well as complain about 'bugs'?

  7. I'd prefer to see them on The list is low traffic, friendly and is moderated so that it does not receive any SPAM.

