Saturday, 6 June 2009

Unangband 0.6.3 final countdown

I want to get the final Unangband 0.6.3 release out this weekend, if at all possible. It's a long weekend for me, and I won't be able to work on the release for a while afterwards.

Here's the bugs I'm planning on trying to resolve prior to the release.

015663 Disease cures ineffective
015612 Locked myself out of shops
015387 Look command needs to describe regions
013834 It's too easy to target youself
012221 running difficult in strange tunnels
015590 Crash (near trap?)

Please let me know if there are any other show stopping bugs that I need to focus my attention on.


  1. Poison attacks are kind of broken right now. See 015811

  2. Is it ready for a competition yet? I need to start another one by Tuesday.

  3. Kris - thanks for the fix.

    Nick - It is. Part of this list is too clear out the 'top annoyances that might prevent people playing the competition'.

    But I won't be around for the first 10 days to support any outstanding issues. So there's an element of risk involved.

  4. OK, let's take a walk on the wild side. Send me a savefile and we're in business.

  5. I've got a lockup happening. Not consistant, but so far 2/3 visits to LongLake have needed a CtlAltDel

  6. For running through corridors, could you have a flag per segment that indicates that the corridor has been 'explored'? This would be set on the first time they attempt to run through the feature. Using this method you would have a clear indication from the player that the corridor type is no longer interesting enough to stop you running, however still leaves junctions / monsters etc able to stop the run. For this to work I'm anticipating that the corridor exists as an entity even if it has columns or alcoves.

  7. VRBones: Its the corridors you haven't explored that you also want to be able to run down. The final solution ended up being treating isolated pillars as open space, and short dead ends as closed space, and works well enough to make it useful.

  8. Maybe 'explored ' wasn't the best of flag names. I meant that if they initiate a run in a new stretch of unexplored corridor, mark the whole corridor as runnable.

    The implementation seems to be working really well so far (in maggot's farm).
