Thursday, 3 December 2009

Hellband hath no competition like a developer scorned

Vic Davis, developer of Solium Infernum and Armageddon Empires announces his next project will be a roguelike...


  1. This should be good. SI has been quite entertaining so far.

  2. Hopefully he'll pop around the GoogleGroup, Roguetemple, or SomethingAwful to shoot the breeze a bit.

    I'd love for this to work well, for a change, as the endeavors for Scallywag and Mines of Morgoth...ESPECIALLY Mines of Morgoth just didn't go well despite incredible efforts made. Not Jaunt Trooper bad or anything(Though MoM seems to be running that risk legacy wise---I fear it!), but hell, I should hope nothing fares so horribly in finding an audience and legacy.
