Sunday, 31 October 2010

Thrown away

By way of a John Carmack blog post, I am reminded again of some pithy words by Joel Spolsky which people working on the pyAngband project would well take heed of...

As for the lack of blogging, I am in the full force of a terrifying Team Fortress 2 addiction. All my spare time and money is currently being spent acquiring name tags for items to prove how unrelentingly clever I am. Think of it as a 40 character twitter for the first person shooter.

A more regular service should hopefully resume at some point.


  1. I must say I'm a bit dubious of the Pyband project.

    I wondered if it would have been better for them to start with an extremely minimal Python script, invoking the existing C code. Then progressively shift more and more of the logic from C into Python. At all times having a functional Angband game.


  2. @Antoine:
    If that was how it was done, the PyAngband code would have none of the benefits of object-orientedness and Python, and would therefore be quite pointless.

  3. On the other hand, it would exist.


  4. Well, I shouldn't be so snarky, I am sure the PyAngband guys know what they are doing and are better coders than me by far.

    I do have a cynical suspicion that in the course of the work, the team will see several things that can be "improved". Then at the end of the job, they will have a game with different gameplay to Vanilla Angband. At this point it is no longer a true "PyAngband", just another roguelike written in Python.

    But hey, it's easy for me to sit on the sidelines and carp...

