Friday 23 December 2011

Help wanted (svn2git) is shutting down at the end of the year, which means I need to migrate to alternative hosting like github.

Unfortunately, I don't have a computer with an OS capable of running git* (I've got Vista, and OSX 10.4), which means I can't run svn2git to convert the repository across. So I was wondering if anyone wants to volunteer to do the conversion to save me having to spend a day or two downloading then building a virtual Linux box then going through the package shuffle. From my brief understanding of git, I believe I can then clone your git repository (put it on github) and make the clone the 'official' version.

Warning: Unangband's SVN repository is 'quite large'. The Github online SVN conversion tool notes that the conversion process may time out for large repositories. When I've attempted to use this tool, it appears to take too long (at least an hour) simply trying to get the list of subversion authors.

* I'm using egit which is the Eclipse implementation running on top of jgit. If anyone has done a jgit based svn2git conversion, please let me know.

[Edit: Thanks for the quick responses. I've got someone running an svn2git conversion now...]


nash said...

I can help... I have linux boxes, bandwidth, CPU time etc.

Email me details etc:
at the domain of nash id au or the gmail account from this comment.

Nick said...

svn2git is running as I type...

Andrew Doull said...

nash: Thanks for the fast response. I'll take you up on the offer if Nick has problems getting this finished.

Nick: Thanks heaps. How long is the progress bar?

Nick said...

svn2git is done - I now just need to work out what to do next :)

Andrew Doull said...

In the sense of getting a copy up to github? Or something else?

Didn't you go through this with FAAngband?

kikito said...

Hi there,

I made a clone directly with git svn, and it's being uploaded to github for your review.

kikito said...

Done! (I think)

My clone can be viewed here:

Please give it a good look.

Andrew, if you clone it, my repo will appear as the "parent" of yours. I can "give you" the repo by contacting the support team instead, if you are interested.

Nick said...

I have done a similar thing to kikito here, but with all the branches (I think).

Note that in both cases the actual code is one level deeper than on most of the *band repos.

kikito said...

Oh! The branches. Use Nick's repo, not mine.

Ryan said...

While I support the move to git, I don't understand how you plan to continue development if you can't use git yourself. Why not move to another SVN host?

Andrew Doull said...

Nick: Awesome. Thanks.

I think it'd be simpler if you could get Github to assign control over to me - but its not required.

Ryan: You might want to reread my post. I'm using egit.

Nick said...

Just fork - any fork is as good as any other.

Andrew Doull said...

Forked. However, while researching how to e.g. migrate issues, I've discovered that Berlios is not in fact shutting down.

I'm exploring options around keeping the file hosting and/or bug tracking on Berlios but migrating to GitHub for source code hosting. This is very much dependent on me getting used to using Git.