Monday 11 March 2013


Num­ber of entries for 7DRLC 2012 (last year’s chal­lenge): 100.
Num­ber of entries for 7DRLC 2013 (this year’s chal­lenge): 253 (so far). [Edit for the history books: 357 entries, at least 139 successes].
I feel like I should be handing out polystyrene cups full of water and cheering people on.


Trystan said...

Wow! I realized there was a lot of activity this year but I had no idea there were that many entries. I think Roguelike Radio and long-lived blogs like this one have really helped grow the roguelike community. Thanks Andrew!

Joseph said...

That many? Holy shiz! You know you and Darren are clearly to blame for this fiasco. :-)

Joseph said...

That is just the official count too. The people that have taken the time to sign on to the website. How many sneakers are there out there?